Starbucks en Glen Cove

Estados UnidosStarbucks



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202, Glen Cove Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-759-0853
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8491102, Longitude: -73.6348033

comentarios 5

  • Zhi Li

    Zhi Li


    Not sure why it takes so long to make an ice coffee. Put in a mobile order 15 mins in advance and somehow it was not done by the time I got there. Had to wait an additional 5 minutes to get my coffee.




    Don’t go there .. I was there yesterday and I ordered ice americano and they gave a cup of americano without ice full of water on it ! They just said they ran out ice !!! Before I order something they should tell me!! What a shxxxxxx place!!!

  • Harry schwartz

    Harry schwartz


    A really pretty store in a great and convenient location but the most sullen staff I have ever encountered in a Starbucks. Really unpleasant group. UPDATE: They turned it around today! Nothings but smiles and foam!!! Love my Starbucks!!!

  • William Blacharski

    William Blacharski


    Overall great coffee spot my girlfriend is in love with there ice coffee very fresh and delicious. Food is OK if your just looking for a quick snack or something to grab on the run. Drive through is very convenient and usually moves pretty fast. Staff has always been very welcoming and friendly.

  • Brian Roller

    Brian Roller


    Love the coffee! My wife likes the lattes. Food could be better for lunch. Tip: If the drive though line looks long slip into the parking lot and enjoy inside.

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