Salon Allure i Thornwood

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804, Commerce Street, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-747-4449
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Latitude: 41.120538, Longitude: -73.782622

kommentar 5

  • johnny corbi

    johnny corbi


    Amazing Staff, perfect to the cut, Totally and Extremely Professional.....

  • en

    Frances Madera


    Very accommodating and I get a great hair cut every time

  • en

    May Grace Di Clemente


    Salon Allure is wonderful! You will always get a pleasant welcome from everyone. Most important if you want the best haircut and/or color there is no one better than Denise DeFalco! She creates color magic! and your hair style will be exactly what you want. I promise you will not be disappointed!

  • Sabrina Sabab

    Sabrina Sabab


    I love salon allure!! I have been going to Vicky of the past 6 years and walk out of the salon happy every time. The hair stylists are friendly and professional; the owner is awesome and makes you feel welcome every time you enter the salon. the atmosphere in the salon is very calming it just makes me want to come back. I recommend anyone who isn't happy with their salon to come and try Salon Allure and I guarantee you wont regret it.

  • en

    Angela Silva


    I have had my hair styled by Jill for over a decade now at Salon Allure. She is always friendly, pleasant and professional every time I have an appointment with her. Jill takes excellent care of me at each visit and somehow remembers our conversations from my previous appointment. She is always right on time and extremely intricate, paying attention to the slightest detail. I have and will continue to use Salon Allure for all of my styling needs. Jill styled my entire wedding party perfectly. I look and feel beautiful afterwards and have never had a bad cut!

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