Nail Paradise i Thornwood

Forenede StaterNail Paradise



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925, Broadway, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-747-1110
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Latitude: 41.1245682, Longitude: -73.7807984

kommentar 3

  • Samantha Kudelka

    Samantha Kudelka


  • en

    staci rosenberg


  • en

    Janeett E


    It was terrible!! All my nails broke off within the next 2 days. She said that the powder French tip was to make it last. This was my first visit here and my last!! And aside from that. She didn't want to do what I wanted and my friends nails either because someone was coming in an hour with an appointment and she didn't have time for both of us. This was so rude and if I could go back I would want to get a refund and go where I normally go because this was the worst nail salon in history!!! Nail paradise, YOU SUCK!

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