Perfect Nails and Beauty i Pleasantville

Forenede StaterPerfect Nails and Beauty



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201, Marble Avenue, 10570, Pleasantville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-747-1688
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Latitude: 41.1270053, Longitude: -73.7852198

kommentar 5

  • nicola mckenzie

    nicola mckenzie


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    Danielle Briggs


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    Angela Gallo


    Went there to get dip powder color. The girl who did my nails had her nails done....seemed more concerned with not ruining her nails instead of doing mine. She did some nails square and some rounded ....she left powder around the edges o my nails. I had a bright white and she put clear on top the seemed to have been used with someone with red nails because there is a hue of pink on my nails. The edges of the nails where my cuticles are she left uneven and messy. Not only was my manicure awful, my pedicure looked like I did them myself and that means they looked horrible. That's why I go get them done....she got nail polish on me didn't clean up the edges she got nail polish on my flip flop and didn't clean it. So unprofessional and I'm so irritated! Worst experience and annoyed I payed for terrible service. I've had the men in there do my nails before and they always do a great professional job. So if you go ask for one of the men who will give you quality service. The owner will lose business with a worker like this. Very irritating that you pay for a service and someone doesn't care enough to do a quality job. If I did that at work I wouldn't have a job!

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    Melissa Luciano


    I know a few people that have RAVED about this salon, mainly about the price. 1) The lady I had seemed like she had an awful cold and didn't want to be there. I figured this was the reason for my absolute awful gel manicure I had received. I showed her a picture of the style I wanted and she said sure. She continued to do it completely different. The gel was lifted, uneven and lumpy. I let it go since I had felt bad for the lady. 2) I went back a second time to give the salon a second shot. This time, I wanted to get a full set of acrylics. I had three different people this time! - The first person picked out the acrylic for each nail. - The second person applied, and asked me which shape, I told her round. She continued to file and put the gel on. I noticed that they nails were getting ROUNDER AND ROUNDER. After a while of shaping, filing and whatever else she could possibly be doing, is when she switched to one of the few men that work there. - This man was doing a girls nails that had been sitting next to me and which I really liked the pattern. I told him I liked the pattern and if he could do the same thing on my nails, just with the color I picked out and a silver color for a second. He said sure. He then continued to FILE my nails AGAIN, after all the time the lady before him filed. More and more round they become. Almost to the claw type style. - He came back with white as the second color and continued to what he thought was a pretty pattern. He came out absolutely hideous. The pattern/lines we uneven, he smeared the white nail polish with the clear, and when I asked him to fix a line, he slabbed it on like I was in the way or something. It was like he had never done nails before and had gone blind in the process. I absolutely felt like I was a nuisance being there. And completely just shoved out the door so he could get to his next client. An awful way to run a business. Needless to say, by that night, I couldn't even stand to look at my nails. I took off the polish and went to a salon pretty close to this one and had them completely fix the mess of the job that been done. I would rather pay double the price somewhere else. I will never go back to Perfect Nails

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    Donna Casarella


    Very clean and friendly atmosphere. Love it here.

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