Hair Exchange i Pleasantville

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210, Marble Avenue, 10570, Pleasantville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-769-2158
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Latitude: 41.1267263, Longitude: -73.7860291

kommentar 5

  • en

    Patrizia Kolman


  • en

    Sulie Distadio


  • Bo Valentine

    Bo Valentine


    I walked in to ask them a question and encouraged the lady to take her time finishing up a phone call. The man yelled "What do you want?" The lady at the desk totally ignored me. Then the man asked me again and when I told him I was there to speak with someone, he got her attention. The woman rudely yelled, "I don't know why he's here." I walked out immediately, disgusted at how rude and unprofessional the entire staff was. I will never go there again. They don't even deserve one star.

  • Susan Parker

    Susan Parker


    If you have not been to Hair Exchange - you are in for a treat. Pam and Angelo do a terrific job on all things hair - and the level of personal service and caring is rare in today's world.

  • Carole Sindell

    Carole Sindell


    Excellent service and great prices. Nice relaxing atmosphere.

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