Red Lion Hotel Rosslyn - Iwo Jima w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneRed Lion Hotel Rosslyn - Iwo Jima



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1501, Arlington Boulevard, 22209, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-524-5000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.891882, Longitude: -77.074795

komentarze 5

  • W.D. Callahan

    W.D. Callahan


    No breakfast here, but the parking is free. You can't beat that in this area! There is a fridge and a microwave in my room. Everything is pretty typical for this kind of hotel, except the soaps and shampoos. They are very high quality! They like to pretend the are lots of things in walking distance, but they don't bother to mention that's walking uphill. The metro station is less than 10 minutes away on foot (uphill). I've stayed here three times now. There's really nothing to complain about.

  • Paulette Pace

    Paulette Pace


    Everything was great! Great customer service; very clean and roomy. Restaurant on premises. Great coffee in the morning and hot showers; perfect location. Very close to DC. A lot of local restaurants in walking distance. Will definitely be back.

  • Vladislav Mandzhiyev

    Vladislav Mandzhiyev


    Most staff was very friendly and helpful; a few were forgetful when it came to requests we made. Picked this place for its closeness to the Metro and Washington D.C. and competitive price. An indoor pool that supposedly works from March to October wasn't open for our entire three day stay (no notice online on it being "closed due to maintenance"), and was not accessible in the morning. Our hotel room was old, in need of renovations, with old bathroom facilities, too soft mattress and a rubbed out carpet. Overall not a bad place to stay on a budget close to Washington DC, but those with a car can look elsewhere for much better, similarly-priced locations.

  • en

    Viki Barragan


    Staff were very nice and accommodating. we arrived around 10 am which is way too early for check in (3 pm) but they still let us in our rooms anyway since it was ready! The rooms are average size and have a microwave and a fridge. The beds were comfy. Their shower was a little wierd. The water pressure is a little intense. It felt like someone was squirting a huge water gun at me. Overall the stay was pretty good. The hotel is in a nice quiet area. Nothing much to see here. There's a pizzeria restaurant right across from it (they serve breakfast too!) and all other restaurants, stores, and the metro are about a 10 minute walk from there. We came here for the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC and to see all the monuments of course! Since the hotel is so close to the metro station it only took about 15-20 minutes to get to the national mall (including walking to the station).

  • Bali Adawal

    Bali Adawal


    This is a nice, reasonably priced place in the pricey Arlington neighborhood. The hotel is not much to look from the outside, but the rooms are comfortable. They typically have a microwave and refrigerator. No coffee machines though there is one in the lobby. I loved their shower. It has a powerful needle spray that gets your skin tingling. They are just half a mile from the Rosslyn metro and right on Arlington Blvd. All in all a great value for your money

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