Hilton Garden Inn Arlington/Courthouse Plaza w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneHilton Garden Inn Arlington/Courthouse Plaza



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
1333, North Courthouse Road, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 703-528-4444
strona internetowej: hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8890202, Longitude: -77.0833923

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ayesha Banerjee


    I checked in an hour late, they were very nice about it. The parking is really expensive and its per day 25/weekday and 20/weekend, and no complimentary breakfast($15 if you want to buy). But there is a parking deck right across the street where its cheaper if you park for more than 1 day. Location is great, 5 minute walk from the metro, takes from 15-30 min depending on what line you get on and off to go to the Smithsonian Mall. Rooms are great, I had a king size bed with a microwave and fridge. It was clean.

  • Jonathon Lee

    Jonathon Lee


    Clean rooms and comfy beds. Shuttle was great too. Breakfast was over priced. Hit the store on the corner! Great breakfast!

  • en

    Paula Kent


    A little disappointed I hate to say. Though spotless....which we appreciate immensely, it felt outdated. The elevator situation from the garage was inconvenient as you must take two different ones to get you and you luggage up to and down from your room. And for the price, to not serve complimentary breakfast, when so many hotels do now. And not only that but to be asked to pay $30+ for breakfast for two is ridiculous. Won't return.

  • Ashleigh N Grinnell

    Ashleigh N Grinnell


    Currently staying here and just got to the hotel about 2 hours ago and while the staff has been really nice our bed was not at all clean. I called the front desk and asked them to change the entire bed and they only changed sheets and left the dirty pillow cases. I then called back down and asked for the gentleman to come back up and change the pillow cases and he still didn’t bring enough to change all four, and only planned on changing the dirty ones and leaving the others (not okay). From my perspective, the bed sheets and pillows were never cleaned and changed in the first place and now I’m a little grossed out to go to sleep in the bed wondering how long it’s been since the comforter washed. I’m quite disappointed at the moment considering we are Hilton Honors members and only stay at Hilton Hotels.

  • Cory Emery

    Cory Emery


    Terrific hotel located near the sights. I recently attended the Wreaths across America. The lobby was full of guests in the morning of the event. I was in certain about preferred transportation. I spoke with Neal, the gentleman at the desk. He gave me terrific insider information. He was friendly and took the time to help during a busy morning. I found the hotel to be clean and quiet. I will definitely be staying here again when I am in the area.

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