Hyatt Centric Arlington w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneHyatt Centric Arlington



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
1325, Wilson Boulevard, 22209, Arlington, Arlington County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 703-525-1234
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.895138, Longitude: -77.072784

komentarze 5

  • Aimee Oliver

    Aimee Oliver


    By far the worst experience my family has ever endured at a hotel. A sudden family event led us from GA to WV. We decided we would stop in Arlington over night before we continued on. Before we left GA, at 1pm we called ahead to the Hyatt and asked if we could request an early check in- 3am to be exact. The woman on the phone made those accommodations/ which showed up in our confirmation email. We drove through the remnants of the hurricane- over 10 hours, arriving at the hotel at 3:15am. The front desk receptionist, Paul, was not receptive to our pleas to check in. He refused to look up our confirmation and then went on to ask my husband if he’s from America or had ever checked in to an American hotel because you can’t check in to hotels at 3am. He was extremely hateful and acted amused when we demanded a refund. So basically we were robbed of our money at this point. At 330am, a car of kids and nowhere to go left us very upset. What makes it so funny is we called the Holiday Inn Express and checked right in 10 minutes later with exceptional customer service. Paul from this Hyatt at the Centric Center needs an American ass whooping. Laughing at my husband- refusing a refund and refusing a check in warrants a real attitude adjustment for making us victims to his control over our money and our stay.

  • en

    todd olsen


    The room was spotless, bed, blankets and pillows were extremely comfy. Rates are affordable. Stay there, it's awesome! Parking is a bit expensive, $25 per day pre tax, self parking. Also, at the time, the parking garage elevators were not working.

  • Dan Ridenour

    Dan Ridenour


    The hotel is nice and located next to the Rosslyn metro stop - it's one stop away from the nearest stop to the Kennedy Center. The biggest compliant I have about the hotel was the fact that I had to pay for parking and I was not told about that nor was it indicated in the confirmation; it was $35 per day when I wrote this. To their credit, the staff took off the parking off my bill after I pointed out how this was a hidden cost. My suggestion to the hotel is that paying guests of the hotel shouldn't have to pay for parking; there aren't that many people trying to park here on the weekends to merit charging for it.

  • Michael Van den Bergh

    Michael Van den Bergh


    Mediocre, and for the price borderline unacceptable. My first complaint are the very loud and dysfunctional elevators, which can be heard in the rooms, even in the middle of the night. It sucks to wake up from an elevator saying “PING” at 3 am. The other problem is that the hotel restaurant closes randomly, whenever the staff pleases, based on number of customers. On those nights one is redirected to the bar for a reduced menu. Again, at this price point not really acceptable. A minor complaint are the side mounted shower heads. This may be sufficient to hang the shower head while taking a bath, but makes for a poor showering experience.

  • en

    Edgar Edwin


    Better then most of the hotels in Arlington. My room was comfortable and clean with a nice view of the river. Did not try the food service due to consistently poor reviews. Lobby is a negative; small, cramped and not welcoming design. Staff tried to be helpful but seem constrained by their own computer reservation system. Work on the bar and restaurant and they might be worth four stars.

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