Pastrami Queen w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePastrami Queen



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1125, Lexington Avenue, 10075, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-734-1500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7743671, Longitude: -73.9591598

komentarze 5

  • irene rivera

    irene rivera


    Excellent food. Worth every penny. Know that its prices may be unexpected for a "sandwich" but these are not just sandwiches...they are a wonderful sandwich experience.

  • Pavel Samsonov

    Pavel Samsonov


    The famous pastrami is delicious. You'll think, I will get a 1/4 pound to try. No, that's a mistake. 1/2 pound per person at a minimum! They'll give you a bit of mustard and the pastrami comes in an aluminum sleeve that keeps it warm. Also you can eat in, but there's not a lot of room.

  • en

    Steven Kravitz


    I got pastrami on rye as a takeout option. The sandwiches are seriously overstuffed meaning great value for money! I had half fresh right away and the other half in the evening cold - both were amazing. Absolutely highly recommend this place!

  • Zach Newburgh

    Zach Newburgh


    After my previous experience, I'd been raving about Pastrami Queen to my parents who are transplants from the city who now live in Toronto. I was so excited to take them to the place where I'd had the best pastrami sandwich; a delicacy that they've been craving for years. We walked in 30 minutes before closing and had been made to understand that we were the kitchen's last order. Knowing that we'd likely scarf down our sandwiches, we agreed and ordered pastrami and tongue, fried (square) potato knishes, garlic fries, pickles, coleslaw, Dr. Brown's Cream and Black Cherry Soda. The food was delicious. However, with 10 minutes to spare before the 9pm closing time, and in mid-bite of our half-eaten order, we were asked to leave, so that the store could shut down for the night. Shocked at this abrupt and, for us, unprecedented interruption of a $115 check (before tip), we laughed in surprise and were met with attitude from the server with a comment, "don't look at me this way. I told you this would happen and that the dining room would close at 9pm." But it was 8:50pm. Either way, we packed up after having been forced and shamed, and cabbed all the way back down to Union Square from where we traveled to warm up our food and finish eating our cold, half-eaten, and soggy meal in my apartment. What a lovely ending to my parents' trip – all on a Saturday night in the city that never sleeps! (Needless to say, my father says that, at best, the pastrami was a four out of five.)

  • Daniel Russman

    Daniel Russman


    Love pastrami queen. Every time I come into the city I try to go. Very small, casual dining area. Don’t usually have to wait long for a table. Pastrami is fantastic, as are most items on the menu. Matzoh ball soup is great. Potato pancakes and apple sauce is great. Tuna salad. On and on. A bit pricey and sometimes hectic inside the small restaurant but that’s New York for you

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