O'Reilly Auto Parts w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneO'Reilly Auto Parts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7431, North Beach Street, 76137, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-306-1033
strona internetowej: locations.oreillyauto.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8737783, Longitude: -97.290599

komentarze 5

  • Nancy Dearinger

    Nancy Dearinger


    Been buying batteries and other car suuplies here for over six years. Very dissatisfied with last experience and won't be giving them any more of car maintenance budget First they give me the wrong air filter. They ordered the correct one. Went to get it the following weekend and they had returned it the day before. Didn't call before they did so. Customer service hasn't extended beyond the counter and the choice to not call a customer before returning their special order item...I choose to go elsewhere

  • en

    Hoang Nguyen


    1 gallon of Atf vavoline $27 same product at Walmart $17. Long funnel $5 Walmart $2. Shop around first before buying.

  • Amber Diggs

    Amber Diggs


    Went in this afternoon for windshield wipers. The gentleman (wish I’d caught his name) was polite and helpful. He looked up the sizes needed, walked me through the different brands and even attached the blades for me! Overall amazing customer service!!! I’ll be using this location from now on!

  • en

    shabby minucci


    Great service and help from a guy there named Colt seemed very knowledgeable with what I needed for my truck would highly recommend using him he went out of his way to get me the best price out of his competitors

  • Steven Hatch Sr.

    Steven Hatch Sr.


    These people are usually very helpful and very knowledgeable however today not so much, seem to be preoccupied with something in the back, and would not come out and explain something to me.

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