Discount Tire w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneDiscount Tire



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6609, North Beach Street, 76137, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-306-1710
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8623845, Longitude: -97.2909101

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alicia Smith


    Best place. Wouldnt go anywhere else. All my family uses them and they are amazing. They have great deals and they wont let you drive off with issues with your tire. You can count on them to do their job

  • mamak fafankoulou

    mamak fafankoulou


    Two weeks ago I went to Discount Tire to fix a flat tire that i didn't get from them initially, they offered to fix it for free, a week later that same tire goes flat again so I went back to them again. they found out they didn't fix it correctly the first time and offered me a new tire for free.!!! that's customer service for you. (Chris provided excellent service) and they just won a customer for life

  • Jeff Oliver

    Jeff Oliver


    Great location, I have been going here for the past 4 years and I have never been disappointed. The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable. They will get you in and out quickly and explain any issues. If they don't have something you are looking for they are more than happy to order it for you.

  • en

    john gangemi


    These guys are my go-to tire solution. I'm an armed patrol driver and Discount services our fleet. I here getting flats fixed and tires replaced on an every other day basis! Seriously! The manager knows my name! LOL! The service is so good my wife & I have become loyal customers. Fast service with a knowledgeable staff make your tire woes quick and painless. Thanks guys for taking good care of us!

  • Heather Nealy

    Heather Nealy


    Had a nail in my tire so I stopped in to see if they could fix it. And it couldnt be repaired. So I told the sales man I would half to wait til pay day due to being short on funds. The sales man asked me what I could afford, so I told him. It was only 20 bucks off the original price but he made me a deal and explained to me that he wanted me to be safe and and have a good safe tire for me and kiddos. Ive always been a fan of discount tire, but today just proved it more as to why I will always go to discount tire. They always go above and beyond to help and take care of there customers. Thank you for working with Me & helping me safely get back on the road.

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