City Garage Auto Service & Car Repair #21 w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneCity Garage Auto Service & Car Repair #21



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7360, North Beach Street, 76137, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-427-1800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.871433, Longitude: -97.290488

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Newberry


    Robert Simpson and his team mates are the best ! Have no qualms about giving a 5 star review of their friendliness, professionalism and service all with a much better price than expected. A true neighborhood business and one that merits the praise given. Don't normally give reviews on line, but this is one location that you have to give an opportunity to earn repeat business. You will become a true believer of the quality they offer.

  • en

    Adam Vargas


    After trying multiple local places to get my wife’s jeep a/c system looked at and was told it would be a few days before they could look at it, City Garage was the only place that was willing to take a look that day. Even though they were super busy themselves. Because of the long wait, they arranged for a courtesy ride to my house so I didn’t have to wait hours in their waiting area. Mr. King and the rest of the staff were extremely courteous and I can honestly say I’ve never experienced that high level of service at a mechanic shop. After the repairs were done I was notified of what all they did and was able to pick up same day. Thank you guys for the quick work and thank you for helping keep my wife cool in this Texas heat! Definitely will return for any other repairs I might need down the road!

  • en

    Ann Hill


    I love City Garage! I go here every time my car needs a fix up. They are always nice, friendly, and energetic, and genuinely care about the cars they fix, and the owners of those cars. When I had to get my oil changed, I had about 4 cars in front of me, yet the mechanics did their job, and got the cars done in under one hour!! Mine included! I went once to get my tire sensors fixed a year ago, and never had a problem since! The City Garage employees are very efficient, and thorough. They are my number one auto repair shop!!

  • Carla Rosales

    Carla Rosales


    I brought my BMW 3 series for a thermostat issue and to get a new splash shield... hands down BEST customer service ever. Chuck and Gilbert are simply wonderful. They took the time to educate me and show me what they did and how they did it. Excellent place. Plus I get 3 years of warranty. Simply awesome place. 100% Recommend. #happycustomer

  • matt Luka

    matt Luka


    I left my 2005 Toyota Corolla at City Garage #21 on April 11, 2018 because I knew that the AC needed to be replaced. I have been a customer at this City Garage since 2005 and value the honesty and expertise. To my dismay, the entire system needed to be replaced at a cost that was more than I could afford. I talked with several of the service reps about this. They figured out a way to make the repair with some adjustments which luckily reduced the bill so that I could afford the work. I also needed transportation during this time, and the City Garage staff was extremely helpful. I will continue to be a regular customer at City Garage #21 and will suggest it to friends. Thanks so much for top notch service!!!

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