Underground Coffee & Ales en Highland

Estados UnidosUnderground Coffee & Ales



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74, Vineyard Avenue, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-834-3899
sitio web: underground-coffee-ales.business.site
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.7189711, Longitude: -73.9641256

comentarios 5

  • Amanda Phelps

    Amanda Phelps


    Love the burgers, wine and pita humus!! Oh so good! I could eat it every day but, then how would I keep my girlish figure... Lol! Gotta try it if you haven't been! The burgers are made with beef and brisket... Absolutely delicious! Did I mentioned they have a whole slew of beer and with fantastic coffee and tea?!?! Check them out, you won't regret it.

  • Joey Guardino

    Joey Guardino


    First time visiting this little gem right in the Hamlet of Highland. Interior ambience is a modern rustic cozy feel that is internet friendly offering eclectic small plates, burgers, and appetizers. The main theme is coffee, wine, and craft beer. The selection is extensive and unique, and it's a perfect little place to come for your lunch break during work hours, or meet with friends for a drink and some apps on a Friday evening, or even just flying solo and catching up on those email deadlines you have to get done.

  • Kamila Sarman Porter

    Kamila Sarman Porter


    My husband and I have been coming here since Underground Coffee opened. It refreshed and enlivened Highland. It brought the town back to life. People from the whole area come to Highland just to go to Underground Coffee! We got food here on many occasions and it always tasted great! The number of food items on the menu is moderate, but everything is fresh and delicious. The only thing is I wish they had more vegetarian / vegan options. We loved getting the beer flights. At Underground Coffee, they change up their beer menu pretty much every week, so there's always new fun beer to try!

  • William LaPorte

    William LaPorte


    Excellent selection of beer, and I love their wings. The staff is always super helpful and patient while you try and sort through the vast beverage options.

  • Paul Rakov

    Paul Rakov


    I love this place! Just found it a few weeks ago and have been there four times since. So many great beers on tap and a huge can/bottle list. Food is also quite good (get the thin, crispy onion rings!). Coffee I only had once and it was ok...not a highlight for a coffee snob like me but good enough. TVs for sports watching is a plus. The staff is a little standoffish at first but they warm up eventually. Go check it out after or before your Walkway Over the Hudson experience....it's perfect for that!

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