Макдоналдс en Highland

Estados UnidosМакдоналдс



🕗 horarios

650, U.S. 9W, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-691-7028
sitio web: www.mcdonalds.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.7028281, Longitude: -73.9666932

comentarios 5

  • Andrew Irvin

    Andrew Irvin


    I work at Tractor Supply in the same Plaza and I get in at 5am every morning and this McDonald's is supposed to be open at 5am. but they almost never open until 6am.. that's a huge slap in the face for us early commuters. I watch the employees stumble on in late with no hurry or care in the world. Just a perfect example of their customer service overall too. When I do get a simple order I often wait around to be waited on and staff just wonders around without a care. Everyone looks lazy and uneasy. Such a shame because this location is new and it's a waste of resources Another huge inconvenience it that it often takes up to a half an hour for them true transition between breakfast and lunch but the menus change at 11 a.m... They don't seem to care that they make you wait so long for the change as well.

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    I ordered my meal, and the Manager came out with it, to my table; a very nice touch. The Manager said, You're going to love this ...When I opened up the box that my hamburgers came in, they looked great !!!! I was totally amazed!!! And they tasted great too ! From the young lady who took my order, to the manager that brought my order to my table, everyone was very positive and upbeat, nice energy all around. The store has nice landscaping around it, and the inside of the store was immaculately clean...

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    Deja Mesuda


    I love the McDonald’s in highland New York the staff are so friendly and kind ive been there a few times it’s always in the mornings and the mornings staff are incredible always smiling in a good mood and the little girl that is always in front counter in the mornings is always so nice to me always welcomes me with a smile gets my order right 👍🏻 good job with her keep her she is really good !!!! (I don’t know her name I wish I would so I can specify who I’m referring to 😔)

  • Nicole Layton

    Nicole Layton


    DO NOT GO TO MCDONALDS IN HIGHLAND UNLESS ITS THE DRIVE THRU! The service is absolutely horrible and they have a new thing where when you walk in you are forced to have your order taken by a worker and not allowed to use the touchscreen yourself, THEN pay at the counter. In addition, an order was brought to a couple in which they threw down the plate. The couple asked where their drinks were and the worker says “ cups are over there” and walked away. THEY ORDERED COFFEE. To make it worse, everyone is given a table pager yet the workers are spinning in circles and asking everyone what they ordered and spilling food. Everyone was so annoyed. Very unorganized, rude workers, and time consuming. Just go through drive thru.

  • Brett Hasbrouck

    Brett Hasbrouck


    Service depends on who you get at the register or window. They seem to have a pretty quick turn over rate for staff. Always check your food before leaving the window. The McFlurry machine tends to be broken a lot too.

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