Dunkin' Donuts en Highland

Estados UnidosDunkin' Donuts



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
3600, Us Highway 9w, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-691-7058
sitio web: www.dunkindonuts.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.7117473, Longitude: -73.9640125

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ashley Farina


    I am allergic to milk and every time I come here I specify almond milk numerous times as well as ask them numerous times when they give me my drink. But somehow every time I come here it's cream or milk instead of almond milk. If I ask them to remake it I get an attitude. They are rude and unprofessional. I have to throw out my drink every time or go out of my way to turn around and come back and have them remake it. I will never go back to the location until they hire people who are more competent.

  • en

    Gio Celaya


    My food was burnt and was not pleasant at all. The workers there were very rude when I asked to add something to my order and they said no. This is one omg the most convenient dunkins near me it is sad it is so bad

  • Noah O'Byrne

    Noah O'Byrne


    Just stopped here to get a quick bit to eat on a busy mother's day. We stopped at the drive through to order. We were in a rush so did not check to see if everything was correct I ordered a sandwitch and a ice coffee. I wanted it toasted with butter. They glbbed on so much button on a burnt bread that it was discusting. Then didn't even put the espresso shot in my coffee. Not a place you want to stop for a correct order. Stay away.......

  • en

    William Colombo


    The highland one attached to the Sunoco is hands down the worst Dunkin Donuts of all time. They constantly mess up food orders, beverage orders. Over brew/hold their coffee/tea. Run out of lemons, not because they actually ran out of lemons, but because they don't want to cut them. And theyve gone through about a dozen different staffs in about as many months.

  • Margie Rinaldi

    Margie Rinaldi


    Mary is the best morning person, she always knows what I want and has it ready and always hot! I have seen where she has been left alone because no-one showed up for work and did a fabulous job. I'm referring to the violet avenue location, so if you're in the area, I think they're great!

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