The Ritz-Carlton, Charlotte i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Ritz-Carlton, Charlotte



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201 East Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 704-547-2244
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2260748, Longitude: -80.8415366

kommentar 5

  • en

    Savannah Scott


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... I was here for a work event, presenting on legal technology. The staff was extremely helpful and thoughtful about the setup. They were also wonderful when it came to the food and beverage service. I haven't been to a Ritz yet which has not excelled at customer service and high end amenities.

  • Joseph Raczynski

    Joseph Raczynski


    I was here for a work event, presenting on legal technology. The staff was extremely helpful and thoughtful about the setup. They were also wonderful when it came to the food and beverage service. I haven't been to a Ritz yet which has not excelled at customer service and high end amenities.

  • Matt Austin

    Matt Austin


    Went to meet friends for drinks and we received excellent service from everyone we came in contact with that work there. Our waitress was very friendly and professional the drink we're perfect overall great place to just have a few drinks.

  • en

    Hellen Grubb


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... Everything you would expect from any Ritz Carlton. 5 Star service and accommodations. Conveniently located downtown with endless options in the nightlife scene. I stayed recently over the weekend and enjoyed their live jazz music playing in the lounge. Only place I'll stay when visiting Charlotte NC.

  • Jamie Hobbs

    Jamie Hobbs


    Everything you would expect from any Ritz Carlton. 5 Star service and accommodations. Conveniently located downtown with endless options in the nightlife scene. I stayed recently over the weekend and enjoyed their live jazz music playing in the lounge. Only place I'll stay when visiting Charlotte NC.

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