Omni Charlotte Hotel i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterOmni Charlotte Hotel



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132, East Trade Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-377-0400
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.226258, Longitude: -80.842539

kommentar 5

  • Matt Cieri

    Matt Cieri


    This is a great hotel. The hotel staff is extremely friendly and it’s in a great location. Also if you are a gym goer the relationship with the on-site Charlotte Athletic Club is amazing. Best hotel gym I have ever been too. It pretty much has any piece of equipment you could want and heavy free weights. The only knock is the valet parking cost but that seems to be about the going rate.

  • en

    Rita C.


    This hotel was awful. Our room was not ready by 3 and we had one of the high priced suites. Once in the room it was filthy. Dust all over the window sill and some kind of food left behind the night stand. This was a $600 a night room. It smelled and there was poop stains in the toilet. We complained to management and they gave us those $25 vouchers. After being super annoyed they ended up giving us half the money back for this filthy room. NOT WORTH THE MONEY DON'T STAY HERE. !! sheets needed changing and just like everyone said construction woke your butt up every morning. We will never return to this filthy place again.

  • en

    Greg Patterson


    The hotel is under going a major renovation, some sparse decor is certain places, but overall will be very nice. Justin at the front desk, when I checked in was very friendly, understanding of a veteran business traveler and was a model employee and ambassador for Omni. I was usually up and out by 6:30am, 3 of the 4 morning I was there. On the only morning I didn't have a meeting and slept in late, was awakened to the sound of concrete drilling at 8:10am. Love the morning beverage delivery service in the mornings for their loyalty program members. Would definitely come back in the future.

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    Frank Reid


    Very nice hotel, extremely polite and courteous staff. Rooms have been recently remodeled and we're very nice. One minor complaint on the weekends directly across the street there are several outdoor music venues that can be quite loud. On the other hand it's a short walk two lots of interesting eating places and music venues. Really enjoyed the stay.

  • Mark Spaulding

    Mark Spaulding


    I stayed in one of the newly remodeled rooms and found many things that were not the best. The bathroom light switch is hidden behind the bathroom door and hard to get at. The power plugs at the desk are inconveniently placed to plug in a laptop. The automatic curtain system only opens or closes the curtains fully, no partially open and closed is possible. The water pressure in the shower was fairly low, and the water did not get hot even when the cold was fully turned off. Also, whenever I tried calling the Front Desk, it gave only a busy signal. I had to call from my cellphone.

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