Holiday Inn Charlotte-Center City i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHoliday Inn Charlotte-Center City



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230, North College Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-335-5400
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2275673, Longitude: -80.8397814

kommentar 5

  • Angela Bollinger

    Angela Bollinger


    The staff here are awesome and the rooms are always clean and welcoming. It is a great venue for weddings and events!

  • en

    Jesse Hopkins


    Absolutely enjoyed staying here. Only complaints would be the parking situation (you have to walk a bit unless you get valet), the lack of fan in the bathroom, and the lack of a complementary breakfast. Overall, these "issues" don't deserve a star less. So impressed with the staff, room cleanliness, and location. I guarantee we will be back. Bartenders at the hotel bar are fantastic as well. Pool has a great view, but be aware the rooftop area (encompasing the pool) can be rented out. Beautiful rooms, good views, and good customer service. All you can ask from a hotel.

  • en

    Drew Whitmire


    Good location uptown, within walking distance to the office of my short term project. The restaurant on the first floor has good food and good drink specials. Nice rooms, good size mini fridge, fast enough internet to play online games (about 5 Mb/s according to the speed test). The staff has been very nice when I've talked to them. Very solid hotel.

  • en

    Saggy Z


    The staff were polite but very personable. They made us feel comfortable and would definitely come back. The rooms were clean and comfortable. The location was situated right in the heart of the city so it was easy to walk to a lot of different hotspots. That being said it can also be a little noisy on Saturday night but nothing you can't sleep through.

  • en

    Emily Evans


    Hotel was clean, comfortable, and close to everything. The staff was amazing- JJ, Luke, and the other front desk staff went over and above when we arrived to find their pool closed (and had 2 very disappointed kids). JJ found another close hotel with an open pool, arranged for us to be able to use it, provided transportation there and picked us up when our kids were done swimming. Luke gave us a quick tour and pointed out all the best restaurants and things for us to do. The cucumber, pineapple, mint water in the lobby was divine as well... 😊. We will definitely return there on our next visit to Charlotte.

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