The Dunhill Hotel i Charlotte

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Forenede StaterThe Dunhill Hotel



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237, North Tryon Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-332-4141
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2288075, Longitude: -80.8410164

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kathryn Kramer


    The Dunhill is a beautiful and elegant hotel. The location is outstanding and the staff is phenomenal. It's within walking distance to so many of Charlotte's attractions which is very convenient. However, the rooms were much smaller than a normal hotel. I guess you're paying more for the location and the history of the hotel. Parking was not free, which was disappointing since the hotel is already quite costly. There was no counter space in the bathroom at all, so getting ready to go was a challenge, but doable. We would not stay here again, but it was a nice experience to do it once.

  • Christopher Williams

    Christopher Williams


    Beautiful, historic hotel. There room was bigger then I expected, very comfortable, all the modern amenities, and still a romantic, historic feel. The staff was very kind and accommodating. The bar in the lobby was very nice with a talented bartender. I will definitely stay there again.

  • en

    Brandon Branham


    The Dunhill is nice in most aspects. Clean, quiet, with nice bathrooms. However, for over $400 a night, I expected more than one-ply toilet paper. I expected to be able to sleep in a bit on a Sunday morning, but they stop serving breakfast at...get this...9:00. That is by far the earliest breakfast closing time I have ever heard of at a hotel. Also, my kids got sick (through no fault of the hotel) and threw up in the room at 8:00 in the morning. We called the front desk, and did they send someone with supplies to help clean it up? No. They told us to use the bathroom towels to clean it up and never sent anyone to help us. We checked out close to noon with vomit still on the floor. They didn't even offer to bring us extra towels. Granted it was my kids who threw up, but at over $400 per night, I would have expected better service than that.

  • en

    Debbie Raviart


    Stayed here for a wedding. Wouldn’t recommend to anyone. Very expensive for a very very small room. Had a reservation but when I got there they didn’t have my room. Not a very nice front desk person. I’ve stayed in much nicer places for a lot less. Will never go back.

  • en

    A Depp


    The hotel is nice and well kept. However, do not stay here on the weekend if you are expecting a quiet hotel or a good night sleep, especially if you are travelling with an infant/child. The walls are paper thin, so loud cars, drunk people, and people preaching about the end of times will constantly wake you up until the early morning hours. If you express concerns to the front desk, they will tell you that it comes with the territory of booking an uptown hotel. The Ritz and the Omni DO NOT have this problem and are similar in price. Would not recommend booking.

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