Shell i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1800, 18th Street Northwest, 20009, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9143607, Longitude: -77.0418888

kommentar 5

  • Tiffany N

    Tiffany N


    Price is good for the area but it has no window cleaning brushes.

  • en

    abid waker


    The gas quality is not so good

  • El subohm

    El subohm


    Bathrooms there but would not let me use when I'm paying customer ...I'm not a homeless person who's trying to shower in your sink and even if I was who cares when a person is a customer they are spending money that pays the persons wages who cleans the bathroom or if its your establishment then they are paying your water bill so really be a little more human or I'll just pee in your parking lot and that's okay too .. Thanks

  • John Li

    John Li


    No windshield wiper or fluid here. ok gas price for DC.

  • Liz T

    Liz T


    Decent price. A bit tough to get in and out.

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