Shell i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1576, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, 20007, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-965-1999
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9106368, Longitude: -77.065278

kommentar 3

  • en

    Quiana Jones


    Our truck had broke down otw to a basketball game one evening ,the tow truck driver recommend this auto shop, and I'm thankful they did, the owner called me 1st thing the next morning explained everything and promised to have it fixed the same day around 1pm ,he called an hour earlier and had us on our way home!!! Thank u

  • Lindsey Miller

    Lindsey Miller


    They patched up my tire in 15 min for $20. Can't beat that. Thought I was going to need a new tire & was very happy with the outcome.

  • en

    London Girl


    the manager is a racist and has poor customer service. I have witnessed on more than one occasion the management treating their employees with such disrespect it was disgusting. I encountered a situation with the management that I was not happy about. A situation that was uncalled for and was unnecessary by the management. I will never enter into this establishment ever again! I advise you to stay away.

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