Rock Creek Valero i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRock Creek Valero



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2708, Virginia Avenue Northwest, 20037, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-337-0500
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9003792, Longitude: -77.0566588

kommentar 5

  • Uche Ukaegbu

    Uche Ukaegbu


    This gas station is one of the cheapest in the gtown area, but service is so/so

  • en

    Matt Springer


    This place is dreadful, in design to get in and out, the staff were uninterested at best and numerous gas pumps were broken.

  • Samantha Smith

    Samantha Smith


    Stopped by to grab a snack before making my way over to the Kennedy Center. Unfortunately, the cashier said he had been having trouble with his cash register all day after being unable to ring up my purchase. After a few failed attempts, he graciously offered to pay for my snacks and wished me a Merry Christmas. Thank you! Your kindness is appreciated. Merry Christmas to you too.

  • Gaurav Mahajan

    Gaurav Mahajan


    Used them for road side assistance through Geico. They gave me wrong time estimates told me multiple times and that the tow/ repair truck was close to where I was they were not. The last Geico spoke to the dispatch person he said the driver is 2 minutes away. Right after the that the driver called me and said he was still 15m away from me. All in all they made me wait a good 1.5 hrs.

  • en

    Micah Bertin


    We drove from Philadelphia to DC to drop our son off at George Washington University and all the way down my car would sputter and stall whenever I had to come to a stop. I was very concerned and stopped in at Rock Creek Valero after we dropped him off I thought perhaps it just needed some gas treatment. Moe decided to look it over and it only took him only 5 minutes to figure out that my problem was a loose connection in the exhaust system leading from the catalytic converter. It only took him 15 minutes to fix it, for a very reasonable cost and the car has been running fine ever since! I will admit I was concerned that I would be taken advantage of because I was desperate and from out of town but these are skilled hard-working honest people and I cannot recommend them highly enough!

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