CROWN i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCROWN


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908, Florida Avenue Northwest, 20001, Washington, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 38.917898, Longitude: -77.0244318

kommentar 5

  • Jake Lackey

    Jake Lackey


    Gave the attendants a $50 bill for a $12 purchase. They gave me $7 in change. I got my money back, but I had to argue for my correct change.

  • jeremiah moorman

    jeremiah moorman


    Great service and cheap gas

  • en

    yaser noor


    This is the worst insurance company on this planet. My car got hit by their driver in downtown DC and he fled from the scene. I was able to take a picture of the car's license plate. Reported the issue to the police, the police was finally able to find the driver's identity. I filed a claim attached with official police report, but got denied by Crown Captive Insurance Company for not having a pedestrian report as a witness. I told them that their driver told me to pull over after the accident so that we exchange info, but then he started driving away from me. I drover after him until he stopped at a red light and I was able to take a picture of his car. Crown Captive Insurance Company never responded to me again. I am about to litigate the claim through an attorney in Washington DC and see what happens. I went to their office to personally speak with a manager, I was treated so badly and told me to do whatever I have in my power. So ridiculous and rude people working at this company.

  • en

    M. Hamad


  • Kahlil Law

    Kahlil Law


nærmeste Tankstation

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