BP i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBP



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400, Rhode Island Avenue Northeast, 20002, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-635-4545
internet side: www.bp.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9200896, Longitude: -77.0003597

kommentar 5

  • Jimmy Dillon

    Jimmy Dillon


    Dangerous place at night. Not just homeless people panhandling. They sell k2 and PCP openly all night long right next to the cashier window. I live near by and watch this almost every night, people on foot, bikes and cars drive right up and are served their drugs. Often then stick around to smoke it right at the gas pumps. Police try to Have a presence there but are stretched too thin. Often these guys get high and rob people. I myself have been assaulted by a man with a screw driver in an attempted robbery. BE VERY CAREFUL AND AWARE! If you must use this gas station at night!

  • en

    JJ Ames, Jr


    Station was clean. Usually avoid BP because of Gulf oil spill. Also find their prices to be unusually high...which was the case here, too. But, when you're outta gas...you're outta gas.

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    Ray Dev


    Prices are high but good customer service

  • andrea erwin

    andrea erwin


    Non violent alot. a lot of false reports in Haven't been arrested one time but subject in civilian military issue personal uniform

  • en

    Jakob Adonis


    The diesel nozzle is the same size as the petrol nozzle. #8 watchout! It fits exactly. I recommend the diesel nozzle should be bigger.

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