Riverwalk Bar & Grill i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRiverwalk Bar & Grill



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425, East Main Street, 10044, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 646-833-7050
internet side: www.riverwalkbarandgrill.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7585681, Longitude: -73.9528346

kommentar 5

  • Carla G

    Carla G


    The food is just okay, menu in general is boring and simple close to mediocre. They have been offering the same menu for years. Location is nice near to the subway, with outdoor tables. I give 3 stars for the chicken wings. Service is no the best... Except the guys that they do a great job in comparison with the waitresses.

  • en

    Riva Tourani


    The first time I ever came here, a couple at another table had a showdown with the manager about how the prices on their check were 25% higher than what was on the menu. The manager handler things extremely unprofessionally and illegally, refusing to honor the prices on the menu, not apologizing for nothing except the fact that the menus were out of date and they were waiting on new ones. When the customers paid and left, she then talked badly about them and said, "this is why I hate working here!" Our server then had the audacity to give us our cheque in silence, and no surprise it was also 25% higher than advertized. Despite this, the restaurant continues to have a regular flow of people throughout the day , probably due to its bar and outdoor seating. The food is actually decent, and the menu is quite extensive. It's priced a little on the expensive side but not too bad. We tend to just take out our food from the deli next door as the serving staff really do seem miserable most of the time, as does the atmosphere indoors.

  • John Buchanan

    John Buchanan


    Order came fast, but burger was undercooked (I asked for medium well). The bun dissolved in my hands. The caliente burger was barely spicy. Sweet potato fries were good. The place is slightly grungy. My expectations were dashed.

  • Tatiana Ursu

    Tatiana Ursu


    Delicious food, great ambiance and service. Not sure how crowded can get, but during brunch time we were seated imediately. Can't give it a five star, because the waiting time on food was too much.

  • Alexander Lyapin

    Alexander Lyapin


    На этом острове не так уж и много мест, где можно перекусить. Это одно из них, совсем недалеко от подъемника. В день моего посещения тут было шумно, многолюдно, молодые люди вели себя не совсем адекватно. Есть туалет, в который очередь. Официантов тоже пришлось долго ждать. К качеству еды нет претензий, все вкусно и хорошо. Место подойдёт для быстрого перекуса, но не более.

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