Bedford Falls i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBedford Falls



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206, East 67th Street, 10065, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 212-717-8181
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Latitude: 40.7662383, Longitude: -73.9624815

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Albanese


    Pretty standard hole in the wall dive bar. The layout is kinda broken up with a few small rooms so this isn’t the best place for large groups. They do have a good sized patio in the back with some tables. They call it a beer garden but it’s really just a patio. The beer selection is mediocre but the burgers are actually excellent

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    Maritza Kirkpatrick


    Generous happy hour specials DAILY!! I’ve so far booked 3 corporate parties that still talk about awesome Bedfalls in UES. They’ve also expanded in their cocktail list; cucumber gimlet and violet B are my two favorite cocktails I highly recommend over there. Great hidden gem of the UES that is great for dinner date or some apps to share among your party. This place never disappoints. They also have a cozy beer garden out back; makes you forget you’re in Manhattan. Cheers!

  • Bella Foxx

    Bella Foxx


    Nice place, good service. Friendly bartender. Would not accept my debit card because it did not have a chip. I have used this card all over the city! Will not be back.

  • Tom DiMaggio

    Tom DiMaggio


    Modest sports bar, lots of space in the back. Not a good craft beer selection

  • Barney Simon

    Barney Simon


    Busy Thursday night after work crowd keeps the small bar in front lively. Excellent prices at happy hour on well drinks and drafts; even though I would die of malaria if i was relying on the quinine in the tonic water. Good prices on apps at the bar. The is a dining room in back and a beer garden even further back.

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