Sutton Bar Room i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSutton Bar Room



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1074, 1st Avenue, 10022, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-980-9850
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7591723, Longitude: -73.9620025

kommentar 5

  • Eec! Productions

    Eec! Productions


    Love playing at the sessions and the crowd loves it too. Only wish they could do without the TV during the live music.

  • Michael Ostuni

    Michael Ostuni


    Great place to have a drink. The vibe is just right. The ambience is nice. They play great music. The bartenders are top notch. I would definitely recommend it. They dont have food but you could order in food here or you could have chips if you get the munchies:)

  • Kaity Arctander

    Kaity Arctander


    Small bar with great happy hour drinks. Gets busy in a fun, neighboehood way. Huge windows open to the street making the most of warm weather.

  • mike olsen

    mike olsen


    Great little bar that has a small but solid selection of beers on tap. I went on a Monday so it was nice and quiet with plenty of seats at the bar. I will happily go back if I am in that area with time to kill again.

  • Romy Vreeland

    Romy Vreeland


    No complaints about this small neighborhood bar with tons of charm. Sit in the big open-front (weather permitting) seating area, or the cozy tables at the back. Just noisy enough to feel lively, but not to stifle conversation. Nice cocktail selection, and decent beers. Trivia night, plus they let you get food deliveries as there's no kitchen on premises.

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