Bistro Vendôme i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBistro Vendôme



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405, East 58th Street, 10022, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-935-9100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7588867, Longitude: -73.9619189

kommentar 5

  • Soha Saad

    Soha Saad


    Un restaurant accueillant, ambiance conviviale. Les serveurs sont super sympas et parlent tous français en plus de l'anglais, bien entendu. La nourriture est délicieuse.Expérience à refaire.

  • Stephen Smith

    Stephen Smith


    We did a prixe fix brunch for a group of 12; $30 per adult, $12 per child. Very good french food. I had steak tartare, others had mussels, & still others had either an omelette or poached eggs. They had a separate kids' menu, which included dessert for the kids. The adult prixe fix covered an appetizer, entree, & a mimosa/bloody mary/kir royale. We paid extra for some tasty desserts. A few of us only got coffee. I had a pleasantly mild cappucino with raspberries gratin -- a dessert I can't recommend enough (just don't touch the ridiculously hot plate it's served in!). We weren't rushed, and we didn't have to shout over other groups of people. Most of us drove into the city & found plenty of inexpensive garage parking in the area. The staff was responsive, polite, & helpful. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Delphine M


    Great food, great atmosphere, great service and friendly staff. I can only recommend this restaurant

  • en

    Radiana Dimitrova


    Very rough, not welcoming place! Terrible service! Good food, but very obnoxious and arrogant service!

  • en

    Dan Chiu


    Hands down one of my favorite French restaurants in the city. They have the best escargot at great prices (order comes in half a dozen for around $15 or a dozen for around $20) and the pesto garlic sauce used is impeccable . Also have weekend brunch special prix fix sets. Only minus may be the service which is not very attentive and can have a slight attitude.

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