Pink Nails & Spa i New Hyde Park

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2095, Hillside Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-354-6559
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Latitude: 40.751754, Longitude: -73.6738783

kommentar 5

  • en

    Donna Levine


    Best nail place. Clean

  • en

    Lisa Taylor


    Love it here. Lee is my nail tech for 8 years and she is amazing. New owners are lovely and genuinely care about their customers. Staff is always a delight

  • Caryn Kim

    Caryn Kim


    Great nail place. Always pleased with my mani and pedi done here. Always clean and staff are nice.

  • Maitry



    Worst service at this salon. Came here to get my nails done. I had a fractured finger .. told the technician multiple times and he kept bending the fractured finger over and over. Also, they didn't massage feet or hands.. and had the nerve to ask for a tip at the end. Will never return.

  • Cheryl Fajardo

    Cheryl Fajardo


    Changed of Ownership. I been going to Pink Nails for three months. The Staff is nice and friendly. Pink Nails is a clean location and I look forward to my next appointment.

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