Coco Nails i New Hyde Park

Forenede StaterCoco Nails



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1636, Hillside Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-328-6916
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Latitude: 40.7490536, Longitude: -73.6829677

kommentar 5

  • Tasha Peláez

    Tasha Peláez


    Good quality for a low price. I go here pretty much everytime I visit my parents on Long Island. Way cheaper than in CA.

  • Cindy Ramphal

    Cindy Ramphal


    The best nail salon I’ve come across. The best mainicure I’ve had done ever. Sonya is an absolute doll and the owner and staff are super friendly. Did this gel manicure in February 14th. Today is March 4th and they still look gorgeous with minimal chipping and still shiny. Mind you I put them through a lot on a day to day basis. Hand washing dishes, cooking twice a day and cleaning every day!!!

  • Sara Fiorenza

    Sara Fiorenza


  • Sara Ahsan

    Sara Ahsan


    This was my first time at this nail salon, and I absolutely loved it! The staff is very courteous, and greets everyone by name. Walk ins are welcome. The whole pedicure and manicure experience was very good. The lady doing my pedicure was gentle but good, and made sure that she didn't tickle my feet whilst scrubbing. The place was small but very clean. It was mostly the staff that were very courteous and made sure that each customer was met with their needs. Finishing up, they gave me a nice shoulder rub as I dried my nails, thanked me and told me to come again, and I definitely will with that service. I was very satisfied with their work. The prices are very reasonable. They have a few variety of spa mani-pedi, I went for a simple one and it cost me $24. Overall, had a wonderful experience, and it was a much better than many pricey places that I've been to before.

  • Jacqueline R

    Jacqueline R


    Nice simple place. Good service. Price is reasonable. Definitely will return.

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