Lemon Tree i New Hyde Park

Forenede StaterLemon Tree



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1625, Hillside Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-437-8881
internet side: lemontree.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7488396, Longitude: -73.6846652

kommentar 5

  • en

    brett motz


    This is an awesome place if you want to have your hair colored or cut by an amazingly talented person make sure you go to Stephanie she's the best!!

  • heather kurtz

    heather kurtz


    I have been coming here for probably 20 years. Dawn is awesome!

  • en

    Norma Segarra


    Love this place and love my hairdresser Heather. I have difficult hair to deal with and she does it beautifully. It's also half the price of where I used to go. ❤

  • paul w

    paul w


    My family and I have been going here for many years and are always happy and they are the best prices anywhere




    Good place to take your wife and kids to . I have an autistic son he's high-functioning but still Autistic trying to get him to sit for a haircut was impossible the girl Rosa that cuts my hair said bring him that's 5 years ago she's the only one he'll sit for a haircut she keeps him engaged and his mind off having it cut. As far as the prices go best I've seen. I'm a widower so I don't know what women's prices go for lately but they always have some sort of women's haircut special. All and all a good family place. Not high end type stuffiness. You get what you ask for and pay for what you get. I have been a Customer since 2007

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