Nail Sense i North New Hyde Park

Forenede StaterNail Sense



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1612, Hillside Avenue, 11040, North New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-352-6060
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Latitude: 40.748731, Longitude: -73.6835941

kommentar 4

  • en

    Sheena Bonny


    Good service

  • en



    I wanted to give zero stars but there is no option for that. The worst place i have ever been if you want golden glitter they'll do yellow glitter and will chase you stepping out of the shop to stop you in public and ask for big tip for worse nail service. The owner said her employes are living on tips only which means she charges extra money but she dnt pay the gud salary to her employes talk to her employes in her native language and pretend no one speaks english and they all do speak english still make you fool and You will get the worse nails, I got it first time from this place today and she chased me all the way in the parking lot to ask for a big tip. I came home and removed her gel nail service of $45 plus forcefully tip Even if the customer is not satisfied. Dont go to her shop or you will just waste your hard working money. I wanted to add the picture but there is no option for that.

  • Michele KT

    Michele KT


  • Niney Chan

    Niney Chan


    Great air quality! You will not smell any fumes

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