Mosaic i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMosaic



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1331, Walnut Street, 64106, Kansas City, Jackson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 816-679-5454
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Latitude: 39.097892, Longitude: -94.581933

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tanner Anderson


    Took my girlfriend here for her birthday two weekends ago and both her and her friends hated it. The drinks were horrible but the music was worse. Will NOT be going back here to party in the future!

  • en

    Hope Ashley


    worst service ever. I thought i was going there for a fun time but my birthday turned out horrible after they tried to charge me for drinks i didnt even order.

  • Mary Kennedy

    Mary Kennedy


    We bought a table at a charity auction and communicated with a promoter prior to arriving who told us she had it all set up for us and our guests. Not only did they give us the smallest table in the far corner, they then ‘resold’ it to another group later in the night and let a bunch of guys take over our table. Some of our guests had items stolen from them as well. Shockingly terrible service unlike anything I’ve experienced in a club before. Very disappointing because we were really looking forward to having a fun night. Won’t be returning and would not recommend.

  • en

    Steven Lammers


    Paid for 10-20 VIP table. Got a four person table. Left two jackets at said table. Both jackets were stolen. Manager was uninterested. Had to fight with the bar to get the manager agian. Manager had ID and credit card. Got ID and card and left. Would not recommend, but if would like to lose jaket would recommend. No sexy. No jersey shore.

  • Miss Tindle

    Miss Tindle


    They were playing Backstreet boys.... the people working as bouncers and people working inside were extremely rude. Autmosphere for a night club was really awkward. It reminded me of how my old highschool made sure the place stayed lit up with florescent lighting or at least with the lights a little dimmed. Not impressed. Been to a lot better places.

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