Madrigall i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMadrigall



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1627, Oak Street, 64108, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-472-4400
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.09339, Longitude: -94.5785414

kommentar 5

  • Robert Black

    Robert Black


    This is a very nice club in the downtown KCMO district. Thursday nights are the best drink specials, party nights, and Live performances, they even have dancers.

  • Ever Clara

    Ever Clara


    Salsa night is super fun here! Did you know google maps allows you to see the Open-Close times for businesses? I know! It totally shocked me too. I came here around 11pm once, it was fun but what struck was that not many people were at the club yet... despite that fact it felt like an almost full house. Madrigal is very tiny, the dance floor can at times feel crowded with people bumping into each other unless they choose to dance more intimately which depends on the music they decide to play. My wife and I decided to leave after an hour because the dance floor space wasn’t too exciting and the size of the establishment makes talking to someone a little hard. But I would definitely return because the experience was fun. 😀

  • Ryan Woodson

    Ryan Woodson


    Great time and great live music. KM killed it

  • Beatriz Ibarra

    Beatriz Ibarra


    I was really upset that we paid a cover charge only to find out half our group wasn't going to be allowed in because there was only an hour left. We tried to leave as soon as we were let in and we weren't given a refund even though they didn't warn us that half of the group couldn't come in. Situation was poorly handled because the blame was somehow put on us.

  • en

    cristian maldonado


    Latino Fridays are my favorite. Really friendly place to be. Bring comfortable shoes dance salsa music

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