Knuckleheads Saloon i Kansas City

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Forenede StaterKnuckleheads Saloon



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2715, Rochester Avenue, 64120, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-483-1456
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Latitude: 39.1205152, Longitude: -94.5486676

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ours BrooksRudy


    Check it out on a weekend afternoon. Lively spot, great music. If you play an instrument, you just might get to be on stage with other talented adults jam'n. Surrounding area makes location look bad. Come-on it's next to the train tracks that add to the amazement of Knuckleheads. The building been added on too, repeatedly, will blow you away. Yes, you will see motorcycles; no worries. Don't judge a good time by the looks of others. All appeared welcome when we visited.

  • en

    Barbra Brooks


    If you like to kick back, chill out, talk to someone new, listen to unrehearsed jamming music performed by talented people who unite and play as one, Saturday is a good afternoon to go. The physical building & surrounding area will provide an unexpected surprise. You decide what you think of it when you visit. Evenings events I'm told are awesome sell outs.

  • Ben Deane

    Ben Deane


    Great venue. Went for a festival and the two stages are super close yet super isolated from each other so one band doesn't distract from another. The food is pretty standard bar fare but it's really well done. Will definitely be back for another show soon. Any place in KC that serves food and has three of some of Kansas City's finest BBQ sauces ready for your meal is pretty awesome in my book.

  • Peter Pakdel

    Peter Pakdel


    Great outdoor and indoor venue for concerts. Right by the train tracks adds an atmosphere you won't find anywhere else. Speakers were adequate for any position occupied during the performances. Outdoor Bar was cash only. Not sure about inside. Had your normal bar food options. Smells good. Didn't try it.

  • Christopher Catalano

    Christopher Catalano


    Knuckleheads is a prime example of how Kansas City is such a hidden gem in our great country. The venue is located in a historical part of the city and really showcases what music is all about - All walks of life coming together for something in common. Love the decor on the walls and the staff has always been super friendly. Good eats and drinks are priced well. Get on the email list and you will see for yourself the caliber of music groups they bring in. Nothing better than a KC hot and humid summer night and catching a show at Knuckleheads! Keep up the great work Frank and crew.

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