Knuckleheads Garage i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterKnuckleheads Garage


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707, North Montgall Avenue, 64120, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-483-1456
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Latitude: 39.1207868, Longitude: -94.5490017

kommentar 5

  • James Plante

    James Plante


    Fun bar a nice venue for a concert.. Good sound system and the live sound engineer is pretty good also. One drawback is the bar is cash only so be prepared!! Nice selection of cans and bottles of beer.

  • mary conwell

    mary conwell


    Had a fantastic time at The 15th Annual Hoolie with The Elders!!! Wonderful atmosphere at Knuckleheads!

  • Genevieve ka

    Genevieve ka


    Love the vibe with the high ceilings, floor tables or ballpark-like seating. Full bar, fast service, food across the street. Awesome. Wouldn't be rare to catch multiple shows in one night, as there are at least 3 stages across the street at the main Knuckleheads venue.

  • Mike Shilko

    Mike Shilko


    Great place for a show! Cash only bar with a decent selection of cans and bottles.




    New, Awesome for concerts, standing room upfront, as well as alot of seating also. BIG place, can move around easily. Employees are excellent and very nice!! Service is excellent. Sound system is Excellent ! Patio outside also. Just wish they had the heaters outside here for the cold nights if one wishes to get some air. They Do have them across the street at Knucleheads, the Garage is New, so I'm sure they will be getting them. :) But everyone go here for an excellent time with friends, drinks, and Awesome live music! :) The patio has lots of seating also.

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