Houlihan's w Metuchen

Stany ZjednoczoneHoulihan's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

65, U.S. 1, 08840, Metuchen, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-205-1900
strona internetowej: www.houlihans.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5482005, Longitude: -74.3262224

komentarze 5

  • Isabel Castillo

    Isabel Castillo


    This place has the worst service possible. I came here twice the first time with my friend. We were sitting down for almost 20 minutes and no one even greeted us. We had to get up and asked to be seated in another section in order to get service. I gave the place another chance and came with my husband and children. After 15 minutes we were finally greeted. We had to wait over 20 minutes for our appetizers and drinks while the table next to us got faster service and got there after us. When we spoke to the manager he told us they were rushing it and didn’t do much to help. I love Houlihans but this location has really poor customer service. Save yourself the time and frustration and go somewhere else .

  • en

    Craig Illingworth


    Very mellow atmosphere, the light is a little dim. The food is great. Great family place.

  • en

    Julissa Mercado


    Delicious food. Our server was very nice and we had a small issue that was corrected quickly with no hassle. Deff will be returning!

  • en



    It's not bad. Like an upscale Applebee's. Thought some of the good was a little salty but overall good

  • Mz. Tia

    Mz. Tia


    I wanted to write about the great customer service I received today. Houlihan's is one of my favorite restaurants because of the food and service. Our server Chris was very nice and attentive. We had a little mix up in what I ordered but Chris notified his manager Brian and they went above and beyond in resolving the matter. Brian offered to waive my entree and made sure we'd be happy on our next visit. My dish was remade and it may have been the best yet. Once again...Houlihans had made very happy!

najbliższy Bar

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