Buffalo Wild Wings w Woodbridge Township

Stany ZjednoczoneBuffalo Wild Wings



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625, U.S. 1, 08830, Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-218-5385
strona internetowej: buffalowildwings.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5580014, Longitude: -74.3078164

komentarze 5

  • en

    john googly


    The food is always good when I go. The last time we had a new waiter and he was slow. Didn't bring utensils had to ask for extra napkins. Normally waiters are excellent.

  • en

    Samuel Okparaeke


    Great Experience... I had Angelique and she was absolutely amazing. I will definitely return to this establishment and request her again. She was very personably and hospitable.

  • en

    Lindsey Lerman


    I went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch today and it was a wonderful experience. Rob was my bartender, and Aaron was the manager on duty. Aaron came over and made sure everything was going well through out my visit. Both were so attentive and nice. I will definitely be back soon as long as Aaron and rob are there !!!

  • en

    Marco Nogueira


    I am a frequent visitor and I'm never disappointed especially when Rob is behind the bar. He is always extremely friendly and attentive; I know when he's there I would get my money's worth and then some. It's not only him but all around service is top notch. It's a must go either evening or for a quick lunch

  • en

    Gurdeep Simran


    I have no clue what happened to the previous manager that used to work here. You can CLEARLY TELL management has changed in this place. The service is AWFUL! The manager is clearly disengaged with the customers and what’s happening. We saw him watching the game on tv more than ten times. A waiter dropped his drinks that he was taking to a table, the manager looked over, laughed and started making fun of him with another female employee (trying to flirt with her). He didn’t even bother to think to go up to the table, help the employee and apologize to the customers. My family has collectively agreed that his will be the LAST time we ever come to this Buffalo Wild Wings. We would rather drive to another state, or pay for a plane ticket, rather than return here.

najbliższy Bar

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