Famous Dave's BBQ w Metuchen

Stany ZjednoczoneFamous Dave's BBQ



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52, North Lafayette Avenue, 08840, Metuchen, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-632-6070
strona internetowej: www.famousdaves.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.547713, Longitude: -74.3273

komentarze 5

  • Michael Irenski

    Michael Irenski


    A very good barbecue restaurant. I do like his barbecue sauces which you can buy at the restaurant or order online at target or Walmart Their family platters feed a family of five. The st. Louis ribs are my favorite as well as their smoked hot sausage. The side that are winners are the baked beans, potato salad and fries. The bar is an average bar. Prices are reasonable for food and drinks. Plenty of parking spaces. They do cater if needed. Join Dave's email program for coupons and promotions.

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    Excellent!!! You can never go wrong with Famous Dave, delicious ribs, awesome fried catfish and delicious fluffy corn muffins and sweet spicy, hot Wilbur beans and yummy garlic mashed potatoes. Try it out you'll love it! Me and my husband normally drive an hour and a half to two hours to get our Famous Dave. We always leave satisfied.

  • Spirit Warrior

    Spirit Warrior


    Good food, good atmosphere. Friendly staff. Manager was also attentive. I've been here many times over the years. Never been disappointed.

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    Gustavo Caceres


    Food was great. Highly recommend the catfish fingers and brisket. Cornbread is also delicious. I wish I was hungrier (terrible thing to say btw) to have the burnt ends and a cocktail or two. Their desserts looked monstrous! Service took a minute, but it was also the time between lunch and dinner. Favorite sauces were Texas Pit and Sweet & Sassy.

  • Samrat Dutta

    Samrat Dutta


    A fantastic barbecue place, a true reflection of the southern barbecue traditions. Be it chicken, pork or beef, the standard is..."fall off the bone" . Not to miss.... Their sauces.. Starting from the mild to zesty to the first devil's spit... Not for the faint tongued or the faint hearted. Also their barbecue burnt ends is unstoppable. Pair it with their in house coleslaw

najbliższy Bar

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