Kona Grill - Woodbridge w Woodbridge Township

Stany ZjednoczoneKona Grill - Woodbridge



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511, U.S. 1, 08830, Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-750-4400
strona internetowej: www.konagrill.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5562994, Longitude: -74.3113171

komentarze 5

  • Craig Evans

    Craig Evans


    Had a three day seminar at the Renaissance and ate lunch three times due to it being located on the same city block. I had several different variations of Poke bowls, sushi, a tuna tower and appetizers. Everything was great, speed of service was great, servers were great. Very impressed, hadn't been to a Kona Grill since I lived in Chicago and the staff and food were great back to back to back!

  • Da Jack of Crunk

    Da Jack of Crunk


    Friday Night was my first time here along with my wife and daughter. The food is great and everything was out on time. I enjoyed the atmosphere and our waiter did an excellent job! We’ll be returning soon for more of the food and enjoyable atmosphere. I had chicken satay for appetizer, chicken & broccoli stir fry for entree, my wife had shrimp tempura for her appetizer and jambalaya for her entree my daughter had the chicken satay for her entree.

  • en

    Amir Najmi


    The food here is quality over quantity - you won't have trouble finishing your plate, but you won't find anything to complain about. Most of the starters are good and everything I've tried has been good (honey glazed salmon, macadamia nut chicken, chicken salad, as well as multiple sushi rolls). Service is always fantastic as well.

  • Michael Irenski

    Michael Irenski


    We went their for lunch. Had their burger and sushi. Both tasted fresh and tasty. Drinks were good. Both drinks and food were moderately average for an establishment like this. I understand their happy hour is one of the best so we need to try it. Staff is friendly and atmosphere is nice. Plenty of parking but, be careful going in and out because, this place is on Route 1 South.

  • Michael Heath

    Michael Heath


    Decent food but a little over priced. Menu has some unique options and not too many commonly found options. Definitely bring your adventurous side to your appetite. Some options were not available due to lacking ingredient supply, which was a shame since the menu already felt a little limited. Would eat at again, but not regularly. Staff was very friendly, attentive and helpful.

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