Hair Club en North New Hyde Park

Estados UnidosHair Club



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2001, Marcus Avenue, 11042, North New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-200-4375
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7555364, Longitude: -73.6899792

comentarios 4

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    A Google Google


    Want to get scammed and stripped out of your money? This is the place.

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    pascale guilliod


    I ve been employed with HairClub for most of my adult life. It's a wonderful company to work for. Hairclub takes excellent care of both clients and employees. Hair Club's motto is to have fun, work smart, and be considerate to others. As an employee, you are part of a team. There is an incredible support system, trainings, refresher courses, seminars, motivational talks: all the tools necessary to ensure employee success. Compensation, benefits, paid time off, tuition reimbursement...but the best is the knowledge that your carreer is about improving someone else life. One of the most wonderful facet of HairClub is Hairclub for Kids. All of our clients are important, but children hold a special part in everyone's heart, and to see them get their childhood back is priceless. HairClub rocks!!!!

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    terry bou


    I made an appointment for 12/26/12 for 1 pm, when I called I spoke with Chaelene, who told me since it was for a new customer consultation that I had to speak tp Rosemary who was out when I called, Charlene told me that Rosemary would call me back to set an appointment, she did. When we arrived for our appointment 15 minutes ahead w were given forms to complete, completely expected. Then, I was asked when I made the appointment? who remebers when they called for an appointment, the essential information is the date time and location for an appointment. Then we were told that the manager/director didn't have the appointment in the computer. I told Charlene, who never identified herself, btw, that Rosemary personally made the appointment, she told me that Rosemary scheduled the appointment in her book, but never entered into the "system"! We asked how much longer it would be, we were told a few more minutes, after 30 minutes of waiting and all the subsequent nonsense. Then the director/manager Pascale and Rosemary come into the waiting room and told us that we couldn't be seen today unless we wanted to wait another half an hour because they didn't log our appointment properly, and that Rosemary was still workoing with her noon appointment. I don't understand any of this. Completely unprofessional, and inept conduct. We were first time customers, if this is the way they treat new customers, I think Rosemary and the manager PascaleRiviere Guillod should be fired.

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    mark t


    Never a problem , always professional , ask for claudette

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