BAM Style en New Hyde Park

Estados UnidosBAM Style



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1528, Union Turnpike, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-437-3003
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.753296, Longitude: -73.6926948

comentarios 5

  • en

    Francine Harrilal


    Went there for the first time on my lunch break for a wash, cut and blow dry. Unfortunately, my hair looks like it just got washed and blown out. The hairstylist didn't cut it as much as I told her and I did not have the time to tell her that she doesn't know how to cut hair. I believe this establishment is still open because of the convenience of being across the street from so many buildings with employees that'll want a quick fix but it isn't worth it.

  • Majlis Hookah Lounge

    Majlis Hookah Lounge


    great service, over all awsome converataions and very friendly staff

  • en

    Ellie Chen


    I was a frequent visitor at the spa, and I also introduced many of my friends to go there but their service has been degrading. The new nail staff is very disrespectful and sloppy on the service. I feel they are rushing me out every time I go there. You are in the people servicing business. Treat your customer right or your will them quick, like you have lost me.

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    Patricia Giogaia


    I rate this salon 5/5 in my book for the following reasons. I am very picky with where I go to get my hair done and I can say I am overall very impressed with the services given by the owners: Boris, Arsen, and Michael. Everytime I want to get my hair done, this is the first place that comes to mind because I am always customer satisfied with results after getting my hair dyed or even just styled. I recommended trying this place out if you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy place with amazing staff.

  • Maida Hernandez-Cordero

    Maida Hernandez-Cordero


    Made an appointment to get my hair washed and blown during lunch one day as out is near my office. Man at the front desk asked me if I had a preferred stylist. Being it wad my first time there I told him I did not. He interrupted a few of the chatting stylist to have one of them attend me. The female stylist that attended me could not remember my name and kept calling me by different names the entire time I was there. She did a terrible job with my hair. Honestly given how her own hair looked, I probably should not have been surprised. This was a waste of my time and money. I would not recommend.

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