Massage Envy - Lake Success en New Hyde Park

Estados UnidosMassage Envy - Lake Success



🕗 horarios

1476 Union Turnpike Space Q, New Hyde Park, NY 11040, США
contactos teléfono: +1 516-673-4278
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.753261, Longitude: -73.693262

comentarios 5

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    pascale guilliod


    Super friendly staff. Clean, accommodating! Leave feeling relaxed and pampered!

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    Loucita St. Phar


    Great atmosphere

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    J Love


    Do not get a membership at this location. I am a baby member, this June 2018 will be 1 year and I am not renewing my membership! I missed an appointment due to an unplanned business meeting and was assured that it would be replaced, yet I was still charged $70 for the missed appointment. When I called to kindly request a courtesy return of my massage, the manager "Kristin" was so nonchalant and adamant about not giving a courtesy massage, as if she didn't care AT ALL. Other locations are kinder and care more for their clients. I will never return to this Lake Succes location, ever again....PS Travel for your massage if Lake Success is your home location.

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    Jennifer Ison


    Gil and Lynn give the best massages!

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    Riaz Khokhar


    Today 01/04/15, I went for massage, after I had lay down undressed on the massage table, I realized it was cold. I asked the masseuse if she could turn the heat on for the table and she said this table had no heat so she asked me if I'd like to go to another room with a heated table if available. I agreed and put my cloths back on, held my jacket and shoes in my hand and walked to other room. This was a very inconvenient and uncomfortable experience. I requested to speak with the manager, John. John came to my room, aware of the situation. I informed him how it was awkward and uncomfortable for me to walk from room to room. I told him it was unprofessional on their part. Instead of being diplomatic and polite, he was rude, arrogant and tried to be very intimidating. He rudely said I apologize but then went on and claimed it was not unprofessional. He said he gave me another room so big deal, you will get your full 90 minute massage. I said that is not my point, perhaps you didn't listen......before I could further explain that the right way of approaching the problem would've been to inform me about the table before I had undressed, he cut me off and replied "Don't talk me down like this, who do you think you are talking to?!" I shut up after that and asked him to leave so I could complete my massage. Before leaving the location, I cancelled all future appointments. To me, John is running this place like a gangster, not a polite professional manager, I also heard that he is a co-owner of the franchise. If this is true, it is a shame. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO LAKE SUCCESS LOCATION. I absolutely recommend Massage Envy as a whole because their technicians are the best in the industry, very polite, and very professional.

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