Bliss Beauty Salon en New Hyde Park

Estados UnidosBliss Beauty Salon



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1637, Hillside Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-358-1800
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7490386, Longitude: -73.6841413

comentarios 5

  • en

    charu gera


    Did a great job on my daughters curly hair with blow drying it out and straightening it ! They were very friendly and welcoming ! Will definitely come back!

  • en

    Tiffany Ceng


    It can be hard to find a salon who can offer a great haircut for short hair at a great price. $20 is what I call a bargain.

  • Melissa LaCarrubba

    Melissa LaCarrubba


    I have been getting my eyebrows threaded at this salon for about 15 years, ever since I was a student at the local High School. The current owner (Badar Khan) was an employee of the salon at the time but always my favorite person to go to. She is now the owner and even though I now live in Suffolk, I only go to Bliss! Every time I'm in town to visit family, I always make a stop at Bliss. I've never gotten my hair done here but for eyebrow threading they are definitely 5 stars!!

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    Padma Hari


    I will never go to bliss beauty salon again. This place is very bad I went for root touch up she colored my roots 3 shades lighter then my hair. I had to get it colored again from a different place. If I could give them less then 1 start I would

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    I went to Supriyas for the first time since they made my eyebrows pencil thin last year, thinking that if I was very specific that I just wanted them groomed, it would turn out okay. However, they ended up making my eyebrows two different shapes: one was angled, as usual, but the other one turned out round. Now I have to fill in with pencil everyday until the left eyebrow grows back in. :(

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