Zack's Transmission Shop w Spring Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneZack's Transmission Shop


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

23, Lawrence Street, 10977, Spring Valley, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-425-3888
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.112541, Longitude: -74.043002

komentarze 1

  • David J. Williams

    David J. Williams


    My car's transmission blew after 131,000 miles so after a co-worker recommended Zack's, I drove over in a rental and spoke to the owner Zack.......He arranged for a flatbed towtruck to pick up my car that morning and by late that day, he called with the diagnosis that my transmission was beyond repair....He advised me that he would make some calls to price out a replacement transmission.... My ultimate choice was between a used transmission or a rebuilt.......Zack could not locate any low mileage used transmissions for my car with under 90,000 miles on them, so I went with a rebuilt trans........After giving my ok to proceed, Zack ordered the transmission and it was installed and ready within a couple of days of okaying the job......The car was laid up for about 10 days total at the shop. Zack's is a Mom and Pop independent shop rather than a chain......I tend to shy away from having my car serviced at major chain repair shops as they tend to jack up the bill and try to sell me a bunch of add-on repair work on top of the simple repair that I went there for in the first place. Transmissions are not cheap, so I can't say that I saved anything substantial on the bill by going to Zacks rather than elsewhere...but I will say that I feel fairly confident that the job was done right as the mechanics there seem to have been around the business awhile rather than the 'green behind the ears' mechanics often found at chain or department store auto centers that have hired on as their first mechanic job out of trade school.

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