Sam's Auto Body w Spring Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneSam's Auto Body


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

146, North Main Street, 10977, Spring Valley, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-426-6773
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1184994, Longitude: -74.0434314

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nam H


    Not a pleasant experience at all. The owner was extremely rude and impolite, threatening a lawsuit against telling me for not agreeing to pay almost double the charge I was told by the tow truck guy, his son, to get my car towed about 3 miles. After my girlfriend mentioned she works for the local state senator he started acting all nice to her but still very aggressive with me. Would not recommend doing business here, and if you are, avoid the owner. Spend your money elsewhere

  • Fellon Morris

    Fellon Morris


    I thought there was a good workers but they're actually not they mess my car up

  • en

    Natalie Fox


    I am from out of state and recently ran into some car troubles. I happened upon Sam's Auto Body through a simple Google search. I have been incredibly pleased (and pleasantly surprised!) with the service I received from this auto shop. Sam's Auto Body employs compassionate, understanding servicemen who did not try to nickel-and-dime an out of stater, just because. I wholeheartedly recommend Sam's Auto Body to anyone who needs auto work in the area.

  • en

    Greg Robert


    They so rude over there. And they stealing people's money. They tow my girlfriend car from Eckerson rd by Joy good to their spot on Karnell 1st which is 1minute away. They charge us $300 when we went to pick it up after 3hrs. I should of make them pay when their stupid employees left my sunroof open and let water get inside my car thru their car wash. STAY AWAY PEOPLE!!!

  • AR M

    AR M


    The best thing to do is avoid this place for any kind of repairs on your vehicle, they charge you money and do a crappy work where either the part is not put in properly or some problem arises in 4-12 months and then they say it was our fault and charge us money again. Their repair shops are the biggest rip off we have ever seen or come across. Additionally, they are dis-organized with poor communication & misleading!!! I would not recommend Sam's Auto Body Repair Shop to no one, unless you are looking to get ripped off and waste your money.

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