Wide World of Cars BMW w Spring Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneWide World of Cars BMW



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125, New York 59, 10977, Spring Valley, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-425-2600
strona internetowej: www.wideworldofcarsbmw.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.106889, Longitude: -74.036757

komentarze 5

  • en

    Regina Johnson


    I had the pleasure of buying a car with an amazing sale person his name is Emmanuel (Manny). He was patient, he was kind and he was more than able to help me find the car that was right for me. He also introduced me to a coworker by the name of Billy. I immediately liked Billy he was friendly and knowledgeable about the car. They made my experience of buying a car less stressful. Thank you Manny. Thank you Billy. Sincerely, Regina

  • en

    Jeff Tolin


    I found the dealer through TrueCar. I had come off a bad experience at another dealership, so it was a relief that Ricardo was able to find the car I needed and get me a solid deal with very little hassle or drama. I should add that yet another dealer had told me it was impossible to get the car that Ricardo wound up getting for me. The car actually arrived slightly ahead of schedule, and Ricardo was easy to talk to the whole way through. It was all very smooth and efficient and professional. DeAndre, the BMW Genius, was friendly and professional in walking me through all the features. The finance staff made it easy too. I'm a satisfied customer.

  • Matt Mennella

    Matt Mennella


    Great experience everytime I come to this dealership. The staff is extremely helpful and knowledgeable and always find a way to accommodate any issues quickly. I've tried two other dealerships in the area and they were not even close to the quality of service that is provided at wide world BMW (even while they are under construction). Definitely make this your go to dealership if it's in your area.

  • Raymond cole machuca

    Raymond cole machuca


    I came to Wide World after being treated poorly at Orange County BMW. Jerry was eager to help me out and answer all my questions. He replied very fast to my emails and took the initiative to send me more information on the car I was interested in. When I came into the dealership, Jerry had already pulled around one of X1s he told me about. He made the experience of buying a BMW great.

  • en

    Alexey L


    If you are looking for a Client Advisor that has integrity, values his/her reputation and is deeply interested in gaining trust and establish rapport with customers by being on their side, stop your search...you have found him! It's Jerry. If I could give Jerry 6 stars, I would gladly do so! Jerry could listen and did listen and had all my questions answered. He wasn’t pushy and made the whole experience transparent, easy and smooth (no misleading information, hidden fees, waiting games). I got exactly what I wanted at a good price in a reliable place. Thank you!

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