Yorktown Grille w Yorktown Heights

Stany ZjednoczoneYorktown Grille



🕗 godziny otwarcia

347, Downing Drive, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-352-6300
strona internetowej: yorktowngrille.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2721387, Longitude: -73.782626

komentarze 5

  • en

    Liz DeGiorgio


    The waitress was lovely. Very attentive and friendly. Had a very nice lunch with a friend. Delicious hamburgers and better yet, Wednesday is buy one, get one @50% off! Nice surprise!

  • en

    Edwin Richter


    Great place to watch sports, extensive menu for a sports bar, friendly service

  • Christie H

    Christie H


    Great bartenders, great drinks, good deals if you spend a lot of money.

  • en

    Karen Frasene


    The place is cozy yet alive the staff is friendly and know for the most part what they are doing the prices are fair. The only thing is the food . Been there many many times food was excellent all different days of the week however the last time I was there the food was awful ,I had a pressed pannie I almost did not eat it I picked the inside out and they shortened the menu not good. My thought is there is a new chief , get the other one back.......Please

  • en



    Fun atmosphere, good friendly bartenders, good pub food, at a fair price. i go there once a week or so. One night I asked for a particular beer. They didn't have it...so they ordered it for me and it was there my next visit. I also like that there's a good mix of people and ages. The negative - from outside it doesn't look like much...but those are often the best places anyway.

najbliższy Bar

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