Peter Pratt's Inn w Yorktown Heights

Stany ZjednoczonePeter Pratt's Inn



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673, Croton Heights Road, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-962-4090
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.2468046, Longitude: -73.784426

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arnie Spindler


    We have been coming here for years to enjoy an excellent dinner on the porch and also enjoy the wonderful surroundings. The menu is diverse and all the dishes are delicious and the service is attentive without being intrusive. Don't forget to try the Venison.

  • en

    Jen Loos


    Just had a *lovely* anniversary dinner with my husband at Peter Pratt's Inn. All awesomeness at this place! Friendly folks, great service and excellent food - try the Aussie Sticky Date Cake...*drool* it's like happy toffee heaven :)

  • en

    michael sullivan


    Great year round, but I am partial to Peter Pratt's in the Winter. Exceptional food, a very interesting wine list and a nice, warm fire.

  • en

    mike paphos


    Each time we dine at Pratt's, we are extremely satisfied with our meals. Not only is the food absolutely unique and delicious, the portions are plentiful. If you have a special request or food restrictions, they are always willing to make changes and still keep the food creative and tasty. Want a more casual experience? Sit at the bar and converse with (only if you want to) extremely interesting people. Want a more intimate setting? Sit near the beautiful always working fireplace. It's a real joy bringing friends there for the first time as they settle in, take in the cozy ambiance, talk to the waitstaff and John Pratt, and then taste their food. No one I know has left unsatisfied. The other night we had Venison Osso Bucco and Duck Lola - 2 of the best meals we've ever had anywhere! We love the place!

  • en

    Kelli Douglass


    I love Peter Pratts Wed night outdoor BBQ. Or used to... We've been going a few times each season for the last few years. Today we went with 5 adults and a baby under 2. The baby had some pasta from my pasta salad and 1/4 piece of my corn. She also ate a few of my nieces fries. The bill comes and we were charged $30 per adult and $12.50 for the baby! I can't believe they are so hard up for money that they would reduce themselves to charge for a baby. AND $12.50! She's under 2, her stomach is the size of a grape for crying out loud. Look up the definition of tacky and you'll see Peter Pratts. They should be embarrassed.

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