McDonald & Peacock Cider House w Peekskill

Stany ZjednoczoneMcDonald & Peacock Cider House



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38, North Division Street, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-930-7875
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Latitude: 41.2913473, Longitude: -73.9201519

komentarze 5

  • Mark Jehan

    Mark Jehan


    Interesting bar restaurant. With a very British feel. Even down to the many curry dishes on the menu. Great selection of beer and cider. Very interesting cider inspired cocktail menus.

  • en

    Cullen Johnson


    People in here are so kind. They have great beer on tap too. Love stopping by anytime I am in the area.

  • en

    Logan Cusano


    Good mixture between the cultural foods and atmosphere. The food and staff are both great, and they have a little pantry you can buy imported foods from.

  • Aimee Leopold

    Aimee Leopold


    Dreadful food. I'm English and I was really looking forward to coming here. After "eating" here, I cannot defend Americans view of how terrible English food is, if this is what they are subjected to. The service was slow, there were only two tables that were ordering food when we were there, and the kitchen took forever. Even just getting a cup of tea was a nightmare. When the food did finally arrive, it was cold. My husband had the bangers and mash, his at least was warm and palatable but not good. My friend had fish and chips and it was just okay, after it had been nuked to warm it up. And my friend and I had the roast lamb dinner... The lamb was revolting, it also was cold and nuked, it was tough and almost inedible. The potatoes and some sort of disgusting looking vegetables were drenched in a gummy tasteless gravy, with an attempt of a Yorkshire pudding on the side. I asked for some mint jelly or mint sauce. After 10 minutes the mint jelly eventually arrived and it was lumpy and crystallized. It really was quite a joke in the end. We complained and we were approached by the manager, I did not make a scene just told her that the food was revolting and inedible and I was disappointed. She offered us a drink on the house and we did we the offer of dessert. She and the waitress were huddled and talking to a couple at the end of the bar about it, which led us to believe these were the owners, but they did not move from their seats and continued to just drink at the bar. They must have approved for us to be comped for the two dinners. I told the manager that I appreciated the gesture but that I would still be leaving a review online. She begged me not to and I told her I could not promise that. Usually I will go to a restaurant one additional time just in case they were having a one-off day, but the food was so bad here that this will not happen, I will not frequent this establishment nor will I be able to recommend it to anybody. Such a disappointment, such a shame. This looks like one of those restaurants that's in need of a TV makeover, because you're afraid to see what's really going on in the kitchen and in their freezer.

  • en

    Jared Fiacco


    Grabbed a burger there that was freaking amazing! The bartender and staff were super sweet, attentive and helpful. The patrons were also friendly and easy to talk to. They also have the most ciders on tap out of any bar I've seen in this region. If you find it hard to choose which drink you want, they let you mix flights between beer and cider so you don't have to make any hard decisions. Just eat, drink and be merry!

najbliższy Bar

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